Welcome, To All Of My Moon Faced Friends!

My name is Valarie, and I was diagnosed with anca vasculitis at the age of 14. I am now 24. Upon diagnosis I was treated with 9 doses of cytoxan and prednisone, not to mention a large pill case full of other colorful goodies. After a long hard road I went into remission for a little over 5 years. Unfortunately, I am currently suffering from a flare up or relapse, as the doctors like to call it. I hate the word relapse. It reminds me of the word failure. I was given 2 doses of rituximab, and once again, prednisone. I absolutely hate prednisone. This blog will hopefully capture my daily struggles and triumphs on the medicine, as well as give some advice on dealing with the side effects. I hope that my story will be relatable. I hope my advice will be helpful; and I hope to bring you a bit of laughter, because laughter truly is the best medicine!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Been too long...

Beginning Weight: 180
Weight today: Unknown
Last Weigh-in: 165
Steps today: 11,168

Hi all,
I realize that it has nearly been a year and a half since I last posted, and I am sorry. I allowed myself to be overtaken by the prednisone. Despite my constant dieting and exercise, I still managed to gain over 30 pounds. I let my self get defeated. I tried to think of how much weight I could have gained if I hadn't tried so hard to keep the weight off, but that didn't really seem to help. I am proud to say that I am back on the up and up. I finally reached a point where I said enough is enough. I couldn't believe that I had gone a whole year and not lost any of the weight. I wanted to get back into my old clothes.

The change started this year when I gave up all drinks for Lent. I denied myself every kind of drink except water. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. Once Lent was over I decided that I would let myself have a treat every once in a while but I would continue to drink mostly water, and I would have to have my 8 to 10 glasses of water before I would allowed myself to have a carbonated treat.

Then I decided that I wasn't going to get anywhere until I became more physically active. My wonderful boyfriend got me a pedometer so that I could start counting my steps everyday. We heard somewhere that if you got at least 10,000 steps a day then you could more easily control your weight. I figured, even if they were wrong, it couldn't hurt to try. What I didn't realize is that 10,000 steps if far and above what I would actually do in an average day. The first day I wore the pedometer I think that I only got 7,000 steps and I felt like I hadn't stopped moving all day. I even had to walk around in place to get that far. It took me three days to work up to getting 10,000 steps a day. Sometimes I have to walk two miles standing in place, in my living room, just to make my quota.

It all seems to be worth it. I have lost about 15 pounds so far, maybe more. I still haven't worked up the courage to weigh that often. Generally, I will only weigh myself when I go to the doctor, which is about every two months. I started out at about 180 pounds. The last time I went to the doctor I weighed 165 pounds. I will be going to the doctor again in August so I will know more then.

In the next post I will let you in on my new exercise obsession. Here's a hint...It starts with a "Z".


  1. Hi Valarie
    I guess we are on a similar journey and it's good to read your story. Don't give up. The 10,000 steps a day thing is great even if it doesn't help with weight loss. I tried that last year and i felt great although I didn't lose weight. My normal step count is about 2000 so to get 10,000 is really tough but any extra step is a good step I guess. I am hoping to get back into it again not to lose weight but to be fitter. Prednisone associated weight gain is also causing me concern though. My current flare up of vasculities has lasted the longest (still going after 3 months) so I am feeling quite frustrated.
    Good luck with your exercise routines. :-)

  2. Hi Valarie!
    I've no idea if you still read comments on here, since I see it's been ages since you last posted, but I figured I'd leave one anyway just in case!
    I wanted to drop by and tell you that I found your blog by Googling for stuff about Prednisone and kidney disease, since I'm having treatment for something that sounds extremely similar to what you have. I have a disease called FSGS, as well as vasculitis. I have been taking Prednisone since February and totally get how sucky the weight gain is, especially when people are rude enough to comment on it, which has also happened to me! :/
    My blog is http://excitingholly.blogspot.co.nz/ if you see this comment and want to drop by. :)
    Holly :)
